*Dynamic Abstract Paintings *Landscapes/ Seascapes *Musician Series

Creating Art has always been has been my passion, but teaching left little time for my own work. Now I have the time, and have cleared a little space where I can make a mess and "make stuff." I almost forgot how happy I am when I can get my hands dirty and watch a project happen. Or as Fred Babb said, "Go to your studio and make stuff."
"Making Stuff" is indeed addictive, and I would love to share my work with you.
If you love contemporary art, fluid paintings. dynamic abstractions, or land and seascapes, we are kindred spirits, as those are what I love creating.
Some older works as well as current paintings are on my GALLERY page. As you who make art know, each work is an experiment and a leap of faith. I invite you to take the journey with me.
Join me in my gallery, and do visit often, as I update as new work is completed.
Some of my paintings can be seen at The Wheaton Arts Parade Gallery, Wheaton Westfield Mall, Montgomery County, Maryland. And come by my booth at the Wheaton Arts Parade Festival, September 22, 2019. https://www.wheatonartsparade.org/